Small Space Cardio

Not everybody these days is able to go to the gym. Maybe it's too costly or you don't have time around your other commitments.

If you're stuck indoors because maybe the weather is bad or you have children and you want to still get in a bit of cardio, we've got you covered.

Below I am going to give you a few cardio workouts that you can do within a small space, with none or minimal equipment and without the need of a personal trainer.

All the equipment needed below is available in our online store.

The importance of cardio exercises for your health

Not only is it great for burning through calories and weight loss, but cardio exercise is also great for your heart's health.

Lowering your blood pressure and cholesterol.

During cardio exercises your heartbeat will be elevated, pumping more blood around your body.

Doing this regularly will strengthen your heart and will also increase your lungs capacity as you breathe heavier during your cardio workouts.

An increase in your blood flow also makes your skin healthier.

Cardio workouts release endorphins, which give you more energy. Endorphins are also an important tool for your mental health.

Regular cardio workouts can really help with illnesses like depression and anxiety.

Not only that, but it will help you sleep better at night.

Studies have shown that cardio can also help with asthma.

Cardio helps improve your lung health, which may help prevent or lessen your asthma attacks.

Please speak to your doctor prior to doing a cardio workout for informed medical advice though.

At home cardio exercises

Before doing any kind of exercise, make sure you warm up.

A quick 10 minute warm up will elevate your heartbeat, getting your blood pumping around your body and ensuring your muscles are warm to avoid any injuries like muscle tears and strains.

Try a short cardio routine followed by some dynamic stretching.

Check out our 'Arm exercises for women without weights' blog for quick warm up ideas.

One leg reach and jump

The one leg reach and jump is an exercise that will not only get your heart beating and a sweat on, but it will also really help with coordination and balance.

When you assume a split stance position, which is one foot forward of your other leg, your stabilizing muscles work harder to keep you balanced.

This helps you identify any muscle imbalances and therefore rectify them.

Your supporting leg will be doing most of the work during this exercise, so you will really feel it in your quads and core.

You do not need any equipment for this movement.

How to perform.

Start standing with your feet hip width apart, knees bent slightly, arms at your sides.

Starting with your bodyweight on your right leg, bend your knees and push your hips back lifting your left leg out behind you whilst reaching your same hand towards the floor.

Straighten your left leg straight out behind you at hip height whilst reaching to the floor with your same hand.

Keep your back straight and parallel to the floor, your core should be tight and engaged throughout.

Return to your standing position, bringing your left knee up to your chest and hopping on your right foot.

Repeat for your number of reps, then switch around and lift your right leg.

If you find it too challenging, take the jump out whilst you practise the movement.

Banded pop squats

Squats are one of the best exercises you can do for your lower body, legs and glutes, as you are using big muscles, they really get your heart pumping.

Adding in the jump during this workout increases the cardio element.

To do this exercise, you will need an Axium pole and a resistance band.

How to perform.

Loop your band around your Axium pole at around the height of your knees.

Cross your band over so it is in a figure of eight and stand in the band so that the band is just above your knees.

Take a few steps back so you have tension in your band.

Your starting position is with your feet hip width apart, and you may want to hold your arms crossed over your chest.

Stand up straight, keeping your abs engaged at all times. Have a soft bend in your knees.

Remember to look forward throughout this exercise, don't look down at your feet.

Keep your chest up, core engaged.

For more information on squat position, check out our "How to do proper squats without weights blog".

Below are pictures of the start and the end of this movement.

 Small Space Cardio

Small Space Cardio


Jumping jacks

The jumping jack is a great simple cardio workout that will really get your heart pumping.

It is also a good exercise that you can use in your warmup.

Jumping jacks mainly work your quads, but they will also work your calves, abs, shoulders, glutes and lower back working too.

You don't need any equipment for jumping jacks, just make sure you have enough space!

How to perform.

To do a jumping jack, start in a standing position, feet shoulder width apart. Arms by your sides.

Jump and extend your arms straight out to the sides up over your head, land lightly with your feet twice the width of your shoulders.

Immediately jump back to your starting position, moving your arms back down to your sides.

See how many jumping jacks you can do.

Banded squat jumps

Squats are simple to do and an amazing lower body workout, adding in the jump is going to increase the cardio aspect and help you burn through some serious calories.

Squats work your quads, glutes, hamstrings, lower back and core.

They also improve your balance and mobility.

Squat jumps are not only cardio but are classed as resistance training too.

Studies have shown, resistance training, if done regularly, increases your bones density.

As we age, naturally our bones become less dense, therefore this kind of exercise can help fight off conditions like osteoporosis.

You will need an Axium pole and a resistance band for this exercise.

How to perform.

To start, loop your resistance band to the highest anchor point on your Axium pole.

Holding your band in both hands, take a few steps back so there is tension.

Hold your arms straight out in front of you at about head height.

Your starting position is stood with your feet slightly wider than hip width apart and perform a squat.

Bend your knees and push your hips back as if you were sitting in an imaginary chair.

Don't let your knees come over the front of your toes.

Chest is up, core engaged.

Drive yourself back up, pushing your weight through your heels and jump.

Landing with soft knees and instantly repeating the movement.

Below are pictures of the start and the end of the movement.

Small Space Cardio

Small Space Cardio


Jump rope

More than likely, everybody has used a jump rope in their life.

It was a staple back in my school for PE lessons.

Not only is it a simple aerobic exercise, but it will work your entire body. You can use it as a warmup or a stand-alone exercise.

This exercise challenges your coordination and balance, so it is perfect for improving those.

You don't even need to have a jump rope; you can use an 'imaginary jump rope'.

Just find some free space and you're ready.

If you're ready to progress from your imaginary jump rope onto a more advanced exercise, you can purchase a weighted jump rope.

Banded star jumps/jumping jacks

Banded star jumps/jumping jacks are just like your regular jumping jacks but with a band to add in some resistance.

You will need an Axium pole and a resistance band for this exercise.

How to perform.

Loop your band at around knee height on your Axium pole as before. crossed over in a figure of 8, with the band sitting just above your knees.

Stand with your feet hip width apart, arms by your sides.

Now do your jumping jacks as before, you will feel it more in your quads as the band creates added tension whilst you jump.

Below is a picture of the start and the end of the movement.

Small Space Cardio

Small Space Cardio


Push up

Push ups aren't traditionally classed as cardio.

Cardio exercise is defined as something that can be maintained continuously using major muscle groups, however they do get your heart pumping and are an amazing strength training exercise that you can do with minimal space at home.

They work your whole body, arms, back, chest and core. You won't need any equipment for this exercise.

How to perform.

Get on all fours, with your hands slightly wider than shoulder width.

Extend your legs out behind you, so you are now holding your weight on your hands and your toes.

Your feet need to be hip width apart. You want a straight line from your head through to your heels.

Keeping your core tight and engaged, slowly bend your elbows and lower yourself to the floor.

You want to keep your body straight, don't dip or arch your back.

Push yourself back up through your hands. That is one rep.

If you struggle to do a full push up, try doing them on your knees to start off with.

Banded mountain climbers

Mountain climbers are a core exercise, but when performed quickly they get your heart pumping as they do use major muscle groups.

Not only do mountain climbers work your core, but also your upper body and you will really feel it in your leg muscles by adding in a resistance band.

As you start mountain climbers in a plank position, you are already working your core, with each movement-bringing your knees into your chest, you will be working all the stabilising muscles in your abs and your back.

Core strength training is important as it helps protect you from lower back pain.

You will need an Axium pole and a resistance band for this exercise.

How to perform.

Loop your band around a low anchor point on your Axium pole and put your feet in either end of the band.

Now take a few steps forward to create some tension.

Your starting position is in a high plank position, or the push up position above. Hold your core tight and engaged at all times.

Bring your left leg forward, so that your left knee comes up to your chest, then return it back.

Now bring your right leg forward, bringing your right knee into your chest.

Continue alternating your left leg then right leg as fast as you can.

If you find this too challenging, you can start off by doing it without a band. 

Frog jump

The frog jump exercise involves squatting down as low as you can so that you are able to put your hands on the floor and exploding back up into a high jump.

Squat jumps are an amazing cardio movement that is also going to strengthen your quads and glutes, burning through those calories.

You won't need any equipment for this exercise.

How to perform.

To start, stand with your feet shoulder width apart, now lower yourself into a deep squat position.

Your thighs should be parallel to the floor. With your arms down in front of you, fingertips touching the floor.

Now drive your weight through your heels, pushing yourself up and jump as high as you can, arms overhead.

Your whole body should be extended in a straight line. Land softly and repeat.

Banded high knees

High knees are basically a running motion where you bring your knees up to about waist height, whilst remaining in the same place.

This can be done as a stand-alone exercise, or you may want to use this as part of a warmup.

You will need an Axium pole and a resistance band for this exercise.

How to perform.

To start, loop your band to a low anchor point on your Axium pole. Now stand inside your band with it resting on your hips.

Take a few steps forward to create tension in your band.

Stand with your feet between hip and shoulder width apart, arms by your sides.

Stand tall, chest up and your core tight and engaged throughout the movement.

Bring your right knee up towards your waist, whilst bring your left hand up, then switch sides and bring your left knee up with your right hand.

Continue alternating as fast as you can, left leg then right leg.

Below are pictures of the movement.

Small Space Cardio

Butt kicks

Butt kicks are an easy to do cardio movement that you can do with absolutely no equipment and very minimal space.

You can use this movement as a warmup or as a stand-alone exercise.

Doing this quickly will raise your heartbeat and increase your fitness levels.

You don't need any equipment for this exercise.

How to perform.

Start by standing with feet hip width apart, arms by your sides.

Bring your left foot up so that your left heel touches your butt.

Place your foot back down and now repeat with your right foot, right heel touching your butt.

Keep your knees slightly bent and soft. Stay on the balls of your feet, back straight- don't lean forward.

Repeat one foot at a time as fast as you can like you are jogging.

You can also grasp your hands together in front of your chest if you feel more comfortable.

Plyo banded reverse lunge jump

The plyo reverse lunge jump is basically a reverse lunge with a jump at the end.

Anyone who has done walking lunges before knows how challenging these are and adding in the jump lunges will really get you sweating.

It's an amazing exercise for your lower body, quads, glutes, calves and hamstrings.

It also works your stabilizer muscles and your core.

It will improve your balance and coordination also.

You will need an Axium pole and a resistance band for this exercise.

How to perform.

Loop your band around a low point on your Axium pole and stand in it, so that it sits on your hips as before.

Take a few steps forward.

Keeping your upper body tall, core engaged, step back with your left foot into a reverse lunge.

This is your starting position.

Bend your knees into a deep lunge and then jump up as high as you can.

Land softly in your original position.

Repeat for your number of reps, then switch legs, stepping back with your right foot.

Make sure you keep your forward foot flat, if you are up on your toes, you will lose your balance.

If you want to make this even harder, you can try alternating your legs.

So, if you step back with your left foot, jump and land with your right foot back.

Below are pictures of the start and the end of the movement.

Small Space Cardio

Small Space Cardio



You don't need a nasm certified personal trainer or the gym to get in shape.

Grab yourself an Axium pole, some resistance bands, a yoga mat/exercise mat and follow these simple exercise tips for an easy at home cardio routine.